Detox or Diet
Focus On The Healthy... Not The Skinny!!!
Ever wonder why after you've gone on a diet, lost the weight you wanted to loose and you decide you can begin eating what you want again (in moderation of course) your body seems to begin putting the weight right back on but faster!!!
Its because, when dieting... Most people decide to drastically alter their food intake which alerts the body and sends it (the body) into survival mode... when you decide to alter your current body size and shape by dieting, your body will fight back!!! When eating fewer calories in an attempt to loose weight, your body usually responds by slowing down your metabolism. This is because your body thinks you are starving it so it reacts by burning fewer calories in an attempt to "Save Your Life"... So while you think you are training your body to loose weight, it (the body) is actually training itself to store EXTRA FAT just in cast you try to starve it again!!!
However, when you detox... The body goes through a "cleansing" stage. This cleansing allows the body to take in the nutrients it needs while ridding it of toxins and unnecessary stored fat... Because the body is not loosing the nutrients it needs to survive, it does not become "stressed" and in return, it allows the toxins and unneeded (stored) fat to leave.
Making healthier eating choices and adding time for working out a habit will increase you chances of keeping the weight off and won't lead you into yo-yo dieting.

Iaso Detox Tea will assist you by cleansing the body and ridding it of toxins and will allow the body to loose 5 pounds in 5 days!!!
Iaso Tea is a flavored tea made with all natural ingredients... It’s purpose is to cleanse your upper and lower intestine tracks and detoxify your entire body by eliminating a substantial amount of toxins!!! Iaso Tea is designed for people who have sensitive systems, so there is no cramping or pain in the abdominal area!!!
Iaso Tea is a DETOX, not a weight loss product. You can absolutely lose weight drinking the tea because it will rid your body of waste. However, if weight loss is your main goal, adding Iaso's Resolution drops is another product that will increase weight loss (1-3 pounds per day when coupled with this tea).
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