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Showing posts from 2016

Vizualeffxx Effxx: Coral Blast

Vizualeffxx Effxx: Coral Blast by vizualeffxx featuring estee lauder makeup Manon Baptiste red blouse $130 - Christian Louboutin handbags purse Anne klein watch Linda Farrow cat eye glasses Nars cosmetic Estée Lauder estee lauder makeup Marc Jacobs fragrance

Vizual Effxx : Blushing

Vizual Effxx : Blushing by vizualeffxx featuring high-waisted jeans Frame Denim high-waisted jeans Strappy sandals Chloé leather purse $1,235 - Kate Spade tech accessory Marc Jacobs fragrance

Vizual Effxx

Vizual Effxx by vizualeffxx featuring Marc Jacobs Roland Mouret straight leg pants $650 - Alexandre Birman ankle strap sandals Kate Spade white purse Fendi sunglasses Marc Jacobs tech accessory $35 - Estée Lauder lipstick Gucci nail polish $29 -

#TBT #VizualEffxx #Swarovski #Bling

#TBT #VizualEffxx #Swarovski #Bling by vizualeffxx on Polyvore User upload


#BBW by vizualeffxx featuring a lime crime lipstick Boden suede pumps Lime crime lipstick Chanel nail polish

The Last Dance...

The Last Dance... by vizualeffxx featuring yves saint laurent purses Schutz sandals $175 - Yves saint laurent purse $1,370 -

Detox, Exercise & Eat To Be Healthy Not Skinny...

Be sure to DETOX inside out while exercising  !!! A detox bath is just as important as a detox tea or food... Be sure to take care of you body on the outside as well as you take care of it on the inside!!! Detox Treat your body well!!! Exercise to be fit... Not skinny!!!  Exercise Healthy Drink Of The Day... Drink Healthy Thanks for  stopping by!!!   Bella  Visit my IG page @vizualeffxx_body For more info!!!

Why Women Should Go To Bed Sexy... No Matter What!!!

Unexpected Sexy Surprises At Bed Time Are The Best!!! This blog post is dedicated to   @VizualEffxx   and their sexy lingerie for BBW!!!  Available In Sizes XL to 6Xl The Unexpected Sexy Surprise!!! I realized that after being in a relationship for some time, women get "comfortable" and stop doing what it was that attracted her guy to her in the first place... They wear their hair wraps around the house all day, most wear flannels to bed, around the house, to the store, (not sexy at all!!!)... Personally, I don't own a single pair of flannel pajamas, and could NEVER wear the  PAJAMAS   I  own outside or around the house all day...   There should be at least one day out the week when you give your lover a sexy surprise... It does not have to be  Valentines Day   for you to pull out the lingerie... Here is an updated look that'll give you some ideas...  The Sexy Onesie Upgrade Even if you wear flannels...

My New Year's Resolution is better than yours!!!

New Year... New You... New Resolution!!!  Do you make a New Year's Resolution to loose weight at the beginning of every year only to forget about in a few months??? Well here's a Resolution that'll show you results in 30 days or less without any drastic change to your normal routine!!! Iaso's  Resolution in a bottle... Start loosing weight in as little as 4 days!!!  If You're SERIOUS about getting to a healthy weight... Continue reading!!! Resolution caters to the carbohydrate addict.  It does not like sugar, flour or fried foods.  It helps to control addictions and cravings by suppressing the appetite. Resolution trains your body to reject the foods that cause you to gain weight.  (Sugar and flour being the primary culprits).  Consuming these foods will give your body symptoms of having morning sickness. Resolution programs all of your fat reserves.  You are letting go all of the fat reserves in your body and they are bein...

Think eat well challenges are not a good idea?

Start A Challenge That'll Benefit You Personally... Challenge Yourself To Start Eating Well And Watch The Pounds Drop!!! This 7 day challenge is a great start!!! Starting with small changes to your food intake can prove to be a excellent benefit to your health... It can be done for as long as you see fit, I have done this for my first 90 Day Challenge and had amazing results!!! Here is the before and after pics of my doing this 7 Day challenge for 90 days!!! After my 90 Day Challenge as I mentioned above, I started the 30 Day Squat Challenge... It wasn't too bad at first, but I found the trick to doing them... Instead of doing straight squats, I decided to split them up with butt tucks and back leg lifts... Which actually helped a lot because I wasn't putting much pressure on my knees...  Here are my before and after pics of the 30 Day Squat Challenge!!! This February 1, 2016... I will begin a 90 Day Body Cleansing Challenge... I...

Diet vs Detox... Do you cleanse your body of toxins or starve it of nutrients???

Detox or Diet Focus On The Healthy... Not The Skinny!!! Ever wonder why after you've gone on a diet, lost the weight you wanted to loose and you decide you can begin eating what you want again (in moderation of course) your body seems to begin putting the weight right back on but faster!!! No More Fad Diets!!! Its because, when dieting . .. Most people decide to drastically alter their food intake which alerts the body and sends it (the body) into survival mode... when you decide to alter your current body size and shape by dieting, your body will fight back!!! When eating fewer calories in an attempt to loose weight, your body usually responds by slowing down your metabolism. This is because your body thinks you are starving it so it reacts by burning fewer calories in an attempt to "Save Your Life"... So while you think you are training your body to loose weight, it (the body) is actually training itself to store EXTRA FAT just in cast you try to starve it ag...