Unexpected Sexy Surprises At Bed Time Are The Best!!! This blog post is dedicated to @VizualEffxx and their sexy lingerie for BBW!!! Available In Sizes XL to 6Xl The Unexpected Sexy Surprise!!! I realized that after being in a relationship for some time, women get "comfortable" and stop doing what it was that attracted her guy to her in the first place... They wear their hair wraps around the house all day, most wear flannels to bed, around the house, to the store, (not sexy at all!!!)... Personally, I don't own a single pair of flannel pajamas, and could NEVER wear the PAJAMAS I own outside or around the house all day... There should be at least one day out the week when you give your lover a sexy surprise... It does not have to be Valentines Day for you to pull out the lingerie... Here is an updated look that'll give you some ideas... The Sexy Onesie Upgrade Even if you wear flannels...